
Missing android studio icon
Missing android studio icon

missing android studio icon missing android studio icon

I went back to my desktop pc and tried to rerun the app from there, but nothing changed the icon is still missing. I imported the project on my Notebook and started Android Studio, I ran the project, the app started and worked like always on my smartphone but.when I went back to the homescreen the Icon was missing (while on my desktop pc version was shown) and it wasn't even in the app list, but if I go on "Settings" -> "Manage applications", it's shown there, I can unistall or stop it, but because I don't have an icon I can't start it again if I don't rerun the app with Android Studio. Because I need to show it to my customer, I decided to install android studio on my Notebook and try the app there. I have created an app and developed it on my desktop pc. I have a serious problem with my self developed app.

Missing android studio icon